Welcome to Unbound Motion.

“It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which

his body is capable.”   


Hi, I’m Catie!


My mission is to help you

build a body that allows you

to do what you want and love.


“I played the best tennis I’ve ever played, thanks to you!”
65 year old, male client



“Some mornings I get up and don’t do my routine but I have to stop and do it because I feel SUCH a difference in my knees after I do it. They feel so much better.”
– 71 year old, female client with patellar bone spurs

“I would see people doing rear foot elevated split squats in the gym and never thought I’d be able to do them, but here I am!”
– 61 year old, female client


“My ankles are feeling really good and strong!”
– 27 year old, female client with history of ankle surgeries and pain